Foshan Wing Chun
The style of Wing as with many other styles finds its birth in the roots of the Shaolin temple during the Qinq dynasty. The temple not only was a source of spiritual development but was also a sanctuary for Anti-Qing revolutionaries.The Manchurians naturally wanted to eradicate this center of rebellion. So, with the traitorous assistance of Ma Ning-Lee, the temple was burned to the ground.
A group of five elders,including Ng Mui, fled and went into hiding.
Mg Mui eventually took refuge in the White Crane temple on the slopes of the Daliang mountain where legend has it that she witnessed a fight between a snake and a crane.
Combining the movements of these animals with her own Shaolin boxing, she developed a new as yet un-named style.
One of her students,Yim Wing Chun, became popular as a fighter after using the techniques taught by Ng Mui to defeat a local bully and drive him from the town.
Later she married Leung Bok-Chao and passed the style on to him. In her honor he named the style Wing Chun.
After fleeing from the Japanese in Foshan, Ip Man brought the style of Wing Chun to Hong Kong where he successfully started teaching. Through him the style gathered many followers and is now practiced throughout the world. At over 80 years, his son Ip Chun is now the only living Grandmaster of the Wing Chun style and still teaches in Hong Kong.